
  • Khoiruddin Nasution



Philosophy, islamic marriage, psychology and sociology


Abstract: This article aims to analyse the Philosophy of Islamic Marriage.  This paper begins with the preliminary discussion on the issue followed by  the delineation of  philosophy of  Islamic law  drawing on textual discourses  in the area. Conclusion of this paper are: Firstly, the philosophy of Islamic marriage is the purpose, the goal of Islamic marriage. Secondly, the objective, the purpose, and the goal of Islamic marriage are the same as and in line with the fulfillment of human needs. The fulfillment of this requirement accords with the motivation of marriage in psychology and family roles in Sociology. Therefore, the objective, the purpose, the goal of Islamic marriage as a philosophyofIslamicmarriagegohandinhandwithhumanneeds,psychology and Sociology. Thirdly, by synchronizing the Islamic law and objectives as well as the principles of Islamic marriage law may yield the philosophy of Islamic marriagelaw.


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